Comprehensive Exam
General Information:
Students may take the Graduate Comprehensive Exam after they have taken a minimum of 21 graduate credits in the program and have maintained a GPA of 3.0. Graduate Comprehensive Exams are administered 2 times a year: the first Saturday in November and again, the first Saturday in March unless stated otherwise.
The exam is four hours long and requires students to complete (3) clinical questions. Two of the questions are mandatory (chosen by professors) and one is non-mandatory (each student chooses the one they are most comfortable with, out of three possible choices). Questions focus on the assessment and treatment of clients primarily in a case study format. These mock cases will include the client's case history and presenting symptoms. They may cover any core areas such as Language, Articulation and Phonology, Motor Speech, Aphasia and other Neurological Disorders, Dysphagia, Autism, etc.
Students should answer the questions as they would in a clinical setting by giving:
Short Term and Long Term Goals
Additional Information and/or Other Referrals
ALL of the competencies needed by students have been provided through Course Work, Methods, Diagnostics, and Practicums. Nothing will be a surprise, so students should be very confident that they will perform well.
The comprehensive examination may be taken up to three times. If a student fails, they will have the opportunity to meet with the comprehensive examination coordinator to review his/her performance in each section. Afterward, the student will have the opportunity to meet with the faculty member who developed and graded the exam to inquire what could be done to improve the outcome. The student can then arrange to take the exam again, at either the next or later administration date.