Spiritual Wellness
Kean University provides office space for University-recognized chaplains and campus ministers assigned by their respective religious denominations to work at Kean. The office allows for the chaplains to meet with students in groups and for one-to-one counseling. Chaplains arrange their own campus schedules and coordinate their own activities while abiding by University regulations for activities. The University, however, does not endorse these events.
Interested students and staff are free to contact the chaplain by calling or stopping by the office. The Chaplain is available to talk to any student or staff member regardless of religious affiliation.
Catholic Campus Minister
Lucia Pasternak
Catholic Campus Ministry can also be reached at: catholic@kean.edu
@KeanCatholics on social media
Nathan Weiss Graduate College, East Campus, Room 218
For more information about the Catholic Campus Ministry at Kean University please visit https://www.keancatholics.com