Accessibility Services
The Office of Accessibility Services strives to increase disability and access awareness throughout the campus community and beyond in a manner that is consistent with the current social model of disability services.
The Office of Accessibility Services is open on the Kean Union campus in Downs Hall, Room 122.
Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For tutoring, please sign up with TutorTrac or email: For mental health issues and concerns, please contact the Kean University Counseling Center email
To request accommodations, please see below.
Request Accommodations
Students who seek support services from the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) must be registered Kean University students with a current schedule. Students are required to self-disclose their disability and submit current documentation to verify eligibility as defined under applicable law. To meet this requirement, documentation must be dated within the last five years and must address the present need for accommodations. This documentation will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with a personal intake interview. Academic accommodations are designed to provide equal access to course content while maintaining the academic standards that are required in all classes. The University may deny an accommodation, academic adjustment or request for assistive technology if determined to be unreasonable, or if the modification fundamentally alters an academic program.
Important Application Deadlines
Fall semester deadline for Academic and Housing accommodation requests is July 1st
Spring semester deadline for Academic and Housing accommodation requests is December 1st
Summer semester deadline for Academic and Housing accommodation request is April 1st
Failure to meet these application deadlines will jeopardize the timely processing of your application.
How to Apply
To request accommodations from the Office of Accessibility Services:
Review the disability Documentation Requirements and complete the Student Intake Application (hosted by the Symplicity Accommodate application - KU student ID and KU email are required).
Be sure to upload documentation of your disability with this application.
When submitting supplemental documentation such as the items below, include a Documentation Cover Sheet for each:
Educational or Psychological evaluations, IEPs or 504 plans from prior education settings,
Letters of Accommodation from previous institutions (Transfer or Grad students).
Once you have submitted your application and documentation, look for an email from which will provide the date and time of your intake meeting. At this meeting, any reasonable accommodations that may be appropriate for your access to college classes will be discussed.
Additional Notes:
Students requesting short term accommodations due to a temporary disability condition should follow the process outlined above.
Students requesting that an Emotional Support Animal be permitted to reside on campus should consult the On Campus Animal Information pages to understand requirements and responsibilities.
Eligibility Determination and Accommodation Lead Time
The eligibility determination process is not a same day process.
Please submit your application and documentation as early as possible but no later than the deadlines outlined above. Complex accommodations such as alternate text formats, notetaking services or access to accessible technology may entail longer lead times to provision. Once approved, accommodations are not retroactive.
Please call (908) 737-4910, or email the OAS at with any questions.